pp108 : Alert Repository for Process Platform

Alert Repository for Process Platform

Alert ID and text Level Problem state related Description Instructions for the Admin/Operator to correct the situation
BAM Monitoring engine stopped.
Informational No This alert is issued when the running BAM Monitoring engine is stopped. Check the log files to find the cause for this failure. Restart the BAM service container.
The embedded monitoring rule engine in BAM service container is not initialized.
Error No This alert is issued when the embedded monitoring rule engine initialization has failed. Verify the BAM service container log for the errors and correct them.
The error can be due to an invalid configuration in the BAM service container or when a database configuration with invalid database details is selected for the embedded monitoring rule engine in the BAM service container.
The embedded monitoring schedule engine in BAM service container is not initialized.
Error No This alert is issued when the embedded monitoring schedule engine initialization has failed. Verify the BAM service container log for the errors and correct them.
The error can be due to an invalid configuration in the BAM service container or when a database configuration with invalid database details is selected for the embedded monitoring schedule engine in the BAM service container.
The State SynchUp (SSU) initialization has failed in BAM service container. SSU is needed for maintaining the cache coherence across the BAM service containers.
Error No This alert is issued when the State SynchUp configuration encounters issues.
  1. Connect to CARS using CMC and verify the monitor syncup information entry. 
  2. Verify the machine name and port.
  3. Restart the BAM service container.
An unexpected error occurred during the thread execution of the dispatcher ''{0}''.
Error No This alert is issued when an unexpected error occurred during the thread execution of the dispatcher ''{0}''. Verify the BAM service container log for the errors and correct them.
The error may be due to an invalid Process Monitoring Object (PMO) or Business Event Response (BER).
The archive file was not created successfully. Create a zip folder at ''{0}'' with the same folder name.
Error No This alert is issued when the archive file is not created successfully due to a failure in zipping of the files. Verify the log for the error and correct it. This issue may occur due to the following reasons:
  • Insufficient space
  • No permissions in the folder where the archive is being created.
The embedded binary parser did not initialize. Verify the service container configuration properties.
Error No This alert is issued when the embedded binary parser does not initialize. Verify the log file for the error and correct it. There may be an issue in the configuration of the binary parser embedded in the business process engine. Verify the configuration properties of the corresponding BPM service container.
The database server may not be functioning or the network may be encountering server connectivity issues.
Error No This alert is issued when the processor cannot be started due to a database connectivity issue. Verify the log for the error and correct it. The issues may be due to the following reasons: 
  • The number of connections to the database may have exceeded the specified limit.
  • The connection thread to the service container and database may be closed.
  • The database server or service may be down.
The system was unable to deliver the task or notification from the process engine. The Notification service container is not functioning properly or has not yet started.
Error No This alert is issued when the Notification service container fails to function. Verify the log for the error. Identify the issue in the Notification service container and correct it.
The rate of creation of new process instances exceeded the threshold limit set by the administrator. Try after some time or contact the administrator.
Warning No The current rate of creation of new process instances ''{0}'' for the business process model ''{1}'' deployed to the model-space ''{2}'' exceeded the threshold limit of ''{3}'' process-instances per ''{4}'' second(s) set by the administrator. The request is sent from the organization ''{5}'' by the user ''{6}''. Try after some time or contact the administrator. Verify the requirement for having the specified number of instances created in the specified time interval. If the number of instances is valid, update the threshold limit.
The loop activity crossed the maximum number of iterations.
Warning No The business process instance with the instance ID ''{0}'' of the business process model ''{1}'' is suspended by the system as it has reached the threshold limit ''{7}'' set by the administrator. The details of the process instance are provided below: {2} - DN of the organization in whose context the process instance is instantiated {3} - DN of the user who created the instance {4} - Current iteration count of the activity {5} - Name of the activity in which the iteration count exceeded the threshold limit {6} - Type of the activity
  1. Verify the Business Process Model that is creating infinite loops.
  2. Verify whether it is required to execute that many iterations.
  3. Correct the Business Process Model.
The embedded rule engine did not initialize. Check the BPM service container configuration properties.
Error No This alert is issued when the embedded rule engine does not initialize. Verify the BPM service container log for the error and correct it. It may be due to configuration issues or invalid database details provided for the rule engine embedded in the BPM service container configuration.
The State SyncUp (SSU) is not configured. SSU is required for the synchronization between multiple BPM engines that are configured for load balancing.
Error No This alert is issued when the State SyncUp configuration encounters issues.
  1. Connect to CARS using CMC and verify the monitor syncup information entry. 
  2. Verify the machine name and port.
The process engine was unable to resolve the data source object from the specified information in the business process model; transactional process ''{0}'' for instance ID ''{1}''.
Error No This alert is issued when the database configuration information required to initialize the transaction used in the business process cannot be retrieved.
  1. Verify whether the service container and the data source object are defined properly to execute the specified WS-AppServer.
  2. Verify the log for the error and correct it.
An error occurred while adding a process instance to the queue for execution. The error is: {0}.
Informational No An error occurred while adding a process instance to the queue for execution. The error is: {0}. Not Applicable.
The database server may not be functioning or the network may be encountering server connectivity issues.
Error No This alert will be issued when CoBOC fails to establish a connection with the database server. Ensure you are able to connect to the database, and verify if the database is up and running.
State SyncUp is not configured. It is required to enable the orchestrator cache synchronization.
Error No This alert is issued when the State SyncUp configuration encounters issues.
  1. Go to the Cordys system database and verify the syncup_configuration in the Coboc_synchup_info table.
  2. Verify the Machine IP address and port number.
  3. Verify if the port number defined is free and available to form a ring. If it is not free, change the port number and restart the service container.
Connection to the database server has been established.
Informational Leave This alert is issued when the connection to the database server is established again. Information. No action required.
The database server is not available. The database server may not be functioning, or the network may be encountering server connectivity problems. Ensure that the database server is functioning, and the network is communicating properly with the server.
Error Enter This alert is issued when connection to the database server is lost Ensure the database server is running and the database is accessible.
The connection to the mail server has been established.
Informational Leave This alert is issued when the connection to the mail server is successful. Information. No action required.
The client cannot connect to the mail server as the mail server may be unavailable, the port may be busy, or there may be other network issues.
Error Enter This alert is issued when the connection to the mail server fails. Verify the availability of the mail server.
The connection to the directory server has been established.
Informational Leave This alert is issued when the connection to the directory server is reestablished. Information. No action required.
The directory server is unavailable. The directory server may not be functioning, or the network may be encountering server connectivity issues. Ensure that the directory server is functioning, and the network is communicating properly with the server.
Error Enter This alert is issued when the connection to the directory server is lost.
  1. Verify the status of CARS.
  2. Restart CARS and the Cordys Monitor service.
The LDAP server connection was lost but after reconnection, it succeeded.
Informational No This alert is issued when the connection to the LDAP server fails but immediate reconnection succeeds. Information. No action required.
The members {0} have formed a new group.
Informational No This alert is issued when a new member joins the group. Information. No action required.
The members '{0}' are no longer a part of the group.
Warning No This alert is issued when a member is removed from the SyncUp group. Verify the log information in the Monitor.xml file.
Based on the error information, connect to CARS. Verify the monitor SyncUp info entry and ensure that both the 'Port' and 'Machine Name' specified are correct.
The consolidated report cannot be sent to the license service '{0}'.
Error No This alert is issued when the consolidated report cannot be sent to the license service. Upload the License usage report through the Cordys License portal or contact Support.
The Java heap size has been exhausted for the process '{1}' residing on the host '{0}'. The process will be exited.
Error No This alert is issued when a JVM hosting the Cordys service container exhausts its Java heap capacity. Verify the log files for any cause or additional information, or contact Support.
The license key is valid for {0} days.
Informational No This alert is issued to provide information on the license validity. Information. No action required.
The license expired {0} days ago. Use the License Manager to send the usage report and obtain a new license key.
Error No This alert is issued when the license validity expires. License is expired and update the new license key from the License Manager.
The key cannot be loaded on the {0}. Verify the status of the Web Server and Monitor Service on this computer.
Error No This alert is issued when the license key cannot be loaded on a computer. In LDAP, verify if the licinfo entry is available. If the licinfo is unavailable, contact Support to get the renewed license key and import the information in the form of .ldif format into CARS.
The report cannot be obtained from the {0}. Verify the status of the Web Server and Monitor Service on this computer.
Error No This alert is issued when the license service fails to receive a report from a computer. Upload the License usage report through the Cordys License portal or contact Support.
The Cordys monitor has terminated abnormally: host '{0}' processid '{1}'
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor crashes.
  1. Verify the log files for any cause.
  2. After restarting the Monitor, verify the memory usage of the Monitor and service container.
  3. Keep the crashed log files and Cordys log files, and contact Support.
The Cordys monitor has started. {0}
Informational No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor starts. Information. No action required.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as an error occurred while loading the bootstrap information.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started as there was an error while loading the bootstrap information. Check the logfile of the Monitor for detailed error information. Think of issues like connectivity to CARS, non-existence of <cordys_install-dir>/config/DMZ.xml.
The Cordys monitor '{0}' has not been registered on the LDAP server '{1}', and therefore cannot be started.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor entry is not present in LDAP. The baseline was not installed properly. Therefore, you must uninstall and install the baseline.
A fatal error occurred while starting the Cordys monitor.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started because of an exception. Analyze the Cordys log files and the operating system log to find the exception causing the monitor to fail and resolve it.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as accessing the LDAP server has failed. Ensure that the LDAP server is running. If so, the <machine> may be slow. Add the 'bus.ldaprequest.timeout=<timeout>' property in the wcp.properties file and provide the duration for the request timeout.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started because of an LDAP connectivity issue.
  1. Verify if the LDAP server is accessible.
  2. Verify the machine-specific Multicast configuration.
The Monitor could not be started due to failure to access the LDAP Server. Ensure that the LDAP server is running. If so, the <machine> could be slow. Add the 'bus.ldaprequest.timeout=<timeout>' property in the wcp.properties file and specify the duration for request time out.
Error No This alert is issued when the monitor cannot be started because of LDAP connectivity problem. The Cordys monitor cannot be started as contacting CARS has failed. Verify if CARS is accessible.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as it has an invalid license key. Provide the valid license key.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started due to an invalid license. The license key is invalid. Update the license key through the License Manager.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as reading the license key has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started as the license key cannot be read. In LDAP, verify if the licinfo entry is available. If the licinfo entry is unavailable, contact Support to obtain the renewed license key and import the information in the form of the '.ldif' format into CARS.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as reading the license key from LDAP has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started as reading the license key from LDAP has failed. In LDAP, verify if the licinfo entry is available. If the licinfo entry is unavailable, contact Support to obtain the renewed license key and import the information in the form of the '.ldif' format into CARS.
The Cordys monitor cannot be started as the SyncUp initialization has failed. Ensure that both the 'Port' and 'Machine Name' specified are correct.
Error No This alert is issued when the Cordys monitor cannot be started on failure of the SyncUp intialization.
  1. Connect to CARS using CMC.
  2. Verify the monitor SyncUp info entry.
  3. Verify the 'Machine Name' and 'Port' values.
Launching the process '{0}'
Informational No This alert is issued when a process is in the starting mode. Information. No action required.
The process '{0}' cannot be launched.
Error No This alert is issued when launching of the process fails. Verify the Cordys monitor logs.
The Service Container {0} cannot be started.
Error No This alert is issued when the service container cannot be started because of an unexpected error.
  1. Verify the classpath settings of the service container.
  2. Verify the corresponding service container log file.
The Service Container '{0}' cannot be started as the service container entry was not found in LDAP.
Error No This alert is issued when the service container cannot be started as the LDAP server connection fails. Verify the LDAP service container status. If the LDAP service container is not started, then restart the Cordys monitor.
The Service Container cannot be started due to an invalid license key. Provide the correct license key.
Error No This alert is issued when the Service Container cannot be started due to an invalid license. The corresponding service container entry is not registered in LDAP. Therefore, restart the Cordys monitor and create the new service container in the System Resource Manager.
The Service Container cannot be started as reading the license key has failed due to an error.
Error No This alert is issued when the Service Container cannot be started as reading the license key has failed. Verify the license server status and verify the licinfo entry in the LDAP server.
The Service Container cannot be started as reading the license key from LDAP has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the Service Container cannot be started as reading the license key from LDAP has failed. Verify the license server status and verify the licinfo entry in the LDAP server.
The Service Container '{0}' cannot be started as opening the socket configured for the connection point has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the service container cannot be started as there was an issue with the connection point.
  1. Verify the classpath settings of the service container.
  2. Verify the corresponding service container log file.
Stopping process {0}.
Informational No This alert is issued when a process is in the stopping mode. Information. No action required.
The usage report is sent to the license service '{0}' and the response is '{1}'.
Informational No This alert is issued when the usage report is sent to the license service and the response is received. Information. No action required.
The usage report is sent to the master gateway '{0}' and the response is '{1}'.
Informational No This alert is issued when the usage report is sent to the master gateway and the response is received. Information. No action required.
The Service Container '{0}' has crashed. {1}
Error No This alert is issued when the service container crashes. Analyze the log files to find any cause of this failure or contact Support.
The Service Container {0} has been started.
Informational No This alert is issued when the service container starts successfully. Information. No action required.
The Service Container '{0}' has been stopped.
Informational No This alert is issued when the service container stops. Information. No action required.
The usage report cannot be sent to the master gateway '{0}'.
Error No This alert is issued when the usage report cannot be sent to the master gateway. Upload the License report data through the Cordys License portal or contact Support.
The usage report cannot be sent to the license service '{0}'.
Error No This alert is issued when the uasge report cannot be sent to the license service. Verify the license server status and verify the licinfo entry in the LDAP server.
The LDAP Server is not available. There was a problem connecting to the server. Ensure that the server is running.
Error No This alert is issued when connection to the LDAP server fails. Restart the LDAP server.
The Email SOAP processor is not functioning properly or has not yet been started.
Error No The Email SOAP processor is not functioning properly or has not yet been started. Verify if the Email SOAP processor is configured properly and functioning.
The Event SOAP processor is not functioning properly or has not yet been started.
Informational No The Event SOAP processor is not functioning properly or has not yet been started. Verify if the Event SOAP processor is configured properly and is functioning.
The State SyncUp (SSU) is not configured. It is required to enable the Scheduler cache synchronization.
Error No The State SyncUp (SSU) is not configured. It is required to enable the Scheduler cache synchronization. Connect to CARS using Cordys Management Console (CMC) and verify the monitor SyncUp info entry. Verify the machine name and port number.
{0}. A problem is encountered in indexing the content.
Error No This alert is issued in case of failure while building indexes for documents in Cordys product documentation. This alert is not displayed for the administrator or users.
{0}. A problem is encountered while searching.
Error No This alert is issued in case of failure while searching Cordys product documentation with a search keyword. Information. No action required.
The gateway failed to process the request as establishing the connection with the LDAP service container has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the gateway fails to process the request as the LDAP server connection fails. Restart the Cordys monitor as it is unable to send the request to the LDAP service container.
The gateway failed to process the request as opening the socket connection has failed.
Error No This alert is issued when the gateway fails to process the request because of a socket issue. The inbound gateway socket cannot be created. Therefore, change the gateway port in LDAP and restart the Cordys monitor and IIS.
The Web application cannot be executed. Verify the computer classpath settings and memory settings of the gateway.
Error No This alert is issued when execution of the Web application fails.
  1. Verify if the ISAPI module or Apache module is registered.
  2. Restart IIS or Apache.
Class registry loading was aborted.
Error No Error in loading class registry This issue occurs in two scenarios:
  • When loading the class registry at the Organization level fails
  • When loading the class registry at the ISV level fails 

In both the above scenarios, to correct the issue, reset or restart the WS-AppServer service container or invoke the reloadClassRegistry API.

Class {0} not found.
Error No This alert is issued when the class definition is not found. Ensure that the required jar files are in the classpath of the Ws-AppServer service container.
  • If the jar files are in the 'Ws-AppServer deploy folder', reset or restart the Ws-AppServer service container. 
  • If the Ws-AppServer component is embedded in any other component, the required jar files must be placed in the classpath of the corresponding service container. Then, restart the service container.
Ensure that the tag and namespace '{0}' for the required class is defined in the class registry.
Error No This alert is issued as the missing tag and namespace for the required class is not defined in the class registry. Reload the class registry by resetting or restarting the Ws-AppServer service container. If the Ws-AppServer component is embedded in any other component, the corresponding service container must be restarted too.